The Ntlonyamo Caves are a series of limestone caves located in the Mkambati Nature Reserve, near Port St. Johns, South Africa. The caves are home to a variety of rock art, including paintings and engravings that date back to the Stone Age. The caves are also a popular destination for hikers and spelunkers.

The Ntlonyamo Caves are located about 40 kilometers from Port St. Johns. The best way to reach the caves is by car. There is a parking area near the entrance to the caves. The entrance to the caves is through a small hole in the ground.

The Ntlonyamo Caves are divided into two main chambers. The first chamber is the largest and is home to most of the rock art. The second chamber is smaller and is more difficult to access.

The rock art in the Ntlonyamo Caves is some of the oldest and most impressive in South Africa. The paintings and engravings depict a variety of animals, including elephants, rhinoceroses, and giraffes. The paintings also depict human figures, some of which are engaged in hunting or other activities.

The Ntlonyamo Caves are a popular destination for hikers and spelunkers. The caves are well-lit and easy to navigate. However, it is important to be careful when exploring the caves, as there are some areas that are slippery and dangerous. The Ntlonyamo Caves are a fascinating and important archaeological site. The caves are home to a wealth of information about the Stone Age people who lived in the area. The caves are also a popular tourist destination, and they offer a unique opportunity to experience the natural beauty of South Africa. As one of the hidden gems of South Africa, Ntlonyamo Caves are a must-see destination for anyone seeking adventure and natural beauty. Visit Ntlonyamo Caves today and discover the awe-inspiring wonders of the Mkambati Nature Reserve.

  • Visit Ntlonyamo Caves and discover a fascinating glimpse into the past.
  • See the oldest and most impressive rock art in South Africa.
  • Hike and explore the caves in a safe and well-lit environment.
  • Learn about the Stone Age people who lived in the area.
  • Experience the natural beauty of South Africa at Ntlonyamo Caves.